Holistic and sustainability

Ingredients that feel right.

All natural ingredients that you can actually pronounce. A natural approach to your well being hand crafted in small batches. Focused on nourishing the skin and providing relief from migraines. muscle aches/pains, insomnia and more.

Hi I’m Emily.

Hey there, beautiful!

I am so happy you’re here and I’d love to share a glimpse into my crazy busy world. So let’s get to it! I’m happily married to my supportive husband and mother to our 3 beautiful children. Two teens (keep me in your prayers) and one sweet 7 year old that made me a “boy mom”. Also, a fur mama to 4 dogs (insert the crazy). Now, what fuels my spark on the daily you ask? Living a sustainable lifestyle, educating others on the value of all natural products and seeing the world!

Now onto how I fell into this. After working in healthcare for most of my career, I realized that there are many ways to help sooth, comfort and relieve many symptoms we suffer from with all natural ingredients. This soon became a passion of mine.

I wanted to recreate products that we use everyday in our house but formulated with ingredients that were natural. My mind was set to create and share products that I would love and stand by. After much research and trial and error I produced a luxurious magnesium lotion subtly scented with lavender oils, all natural deodorant, soothing cream that relieves issues like eczema, all natural shampoo and conditioner bars and more.

So welcome my fellow holistic friend! Let’s transform our lives together. One ingredient at a time.

  • "our bodies are our gardens- our wills are our gardeners"

    • William Shakespeare

  • "wellness is a connection of paths, knowledge and action."

    • Joshua Holtz

  • "keep your vitality. A life without health is like a river without water."

    • Maxime Lagace

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