
A Passion & a Choice.

First you make small changes after seeing something on TikTok or reading a blog from “Homesteader Queen”. Before you know it you are full of so much information that you cannot possibly ignore. You cannot sleep another night after knowing what you know. Being someone that is “aware” can sometimes feel helpless, and other times it can feel quite liberating.

After much research I found that there are chemicals in almost everything. Lotions, shampoos, soap, deodorants, they were all full of ingredients that did not make me feel comfortable. I decided to make a change in my own household. I slowly formulated everyday products that we used in our house.

Our skin is our biggest organ. Anything that goes on our skin soaks into our bloodstream. Topical products are just important to be aware of. If you find yourself passionate about your nutrition inside your body, I invite you to be passionate about the nutrition on the outside of your body. I am so happy you are here!! I hope you find peace and certainty in what I am passionate about.

Just a girl who’s obsessed with nature knowledge, health, a good merlot, and sharing my passion.

Your Go-To Semi-crunchy Gal.

I remember when I first heard the term “crunchy”. I fell in love with the term and knew I was just that. Then…. I realized I’m not full on “crunchy”. Life is all about balance and sometimes you cannot change every aspect of it. So, yeah, we eat chicken nuggets and occasionally have fast food. Give yourself grace and don’t over analyze your every move. Life is hard. Controlling every part of it and creating this perfect curated dream is merely an illusion that we cannot always keep up with. Do your best and make small changes. Small changes turn into life altering changes.